Hello! I’m Joey,
I am a change embracer with a curiosity to understand my world a little bit more each day and eager to work towards a better tomorrow. My career has focused on the nexus between social and technological progress to fight for the causes and community I care about. I believe it is so important to lead these changes with inventive products, solutions, and strategies with the values to serve our community, lean into good intentions, and to stay optimistic about our potential.
I started caring about the affairs of the world in high school during California’s Prop 8 initiative where I quickly learned how politics can get personal. Mobilized by the calls for hope, I soon became an organizer in college for local congressional campaigns and the ultimate salesman, a tour guide. To this day, I remember both scripts. IYKYK. After graduating from UC Davis I came to the center of political change, Washington D.C. to continue my activism.
In D.C. I learned that change does not come only at the policy level, but also in the technology we use to make it. I also learned it can come both slowly and sweepingly. I grew passionate not only about creating a progressive future but the inventive tech that can help us build that change.
It is also a core belief of mine that the success of both types of change depend on the other. In order to promote both types of change we must embrace it, celebrate it, and ultimately be leaders that build it.
Check out my Digital CV
Product management is much like taking care of houseplants. This is what I learned from taking care of 20+ varietals of plants and what they teach me about products.