Let’s Grow a Product

Product management is much like growing a house plant. Here are the lessons I have learned from both.

  • Build an agile routine.

    Build a solid base of soil, feed with regular and measured watering, and find your light. I prefer direct.

  • Find varied successes with A/B tests.

    It’s important (and fun!) to test out different conditions. Otherwise I wouldn’t have ever known my prayer plant’s favorite spot would be the bathroom.

  • Bugs are part of the process.

    Quick fixes and traps can solve aesthetic and short term problems. But you should always address the bigger problem. And maybe even use some helpful tech to get it done.

  • Power in pruning.

    Pruning for plants like getting a fresh haircut for a human. It also means propagating your branches for them to grow and become their own trunks.

  • It's about community.

    It’s the mother-in-law who gifts you new roots. It’s the friends to whom you give a propagation. It’ the owner of the nursery giving you tips about soil. It takes a strong community to build a product.

  • Keep growing.


    Every variety is a unique adventure to try!